Face the Future™ Follow Up

While the mission to Rwanda took place in February, we just received the final edit of the video that documented the Face the Future™ Foundation’s work.

“There was mutual agreement from our Rwandan colleagues, the Ministry of Health and our team that the mission was an outstanding success. Plans are already underway for a return visit next year,” said Dr. Adamson. “We truly live in a global village, and what happens in Canada affects other countries, just as what happens there affects us here. Our children are our future, wherever they might be. It is a privilege to help them in whatever way we can. There is much to be done and many children yet to help.”

Since the founding in 1996, the Face the Future has had great success helping children. As of 2012, as a result of 21 missions:

  • 96 children have received surgery and been adopted
  • 2,000 critical care consultations have been conducted
  • 1,450 operations have been performed
  • 21,000 volunteer hours have been devoted to our missions to date (roughly 9.5 years of full time work!)

The average mission can cost between $25,000 and $40,000 with an additional $15,000 in medical supplies required. If you are interested in making a critical difference in the lives of children, please visit our website and donate. Your donation will make a lasting impact on the life of a needy child.

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