Another use for Botox® Cosmetic?

New Year, New Use for Botox in TorontoA study by Dr. Anil Shah in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Chicago showed that injections of botulinum toxin into the skin appeared to decrease sebum production, which resulted in decreased pore size. The treatments appeared to decrease acne activity as well. Areas treated included the forehead, medial cheek and nose. 85% of patients had improvement and there were no complications. Side effects included redness for up to 48 hours and a tingling sensation for up to several days. Some patients felt there was even a desirable tightening of the injected areas.

Up to now Isotrentinoin (Accutane®) has been the most effective drug used to treat overly-active sebaceous glands, but it can have serious side effects, especially at higher doses. However, in low doses it can be effective to decrease pore size and acne in general. Botulinum toxin may offer another, more acceptable alternative.

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