Brad’s Rhinoplasty Diary’s Secrets Revealed! Part 4 of 4: My New Look

(Excerpted from Dr. Peter Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces (available on and edited for our blog.)

Toronto-Chin-AugmentationToronto-area everyman Brad began disliking his nose at age 16 (link to first post in series). At 30, finds his chin lacking and by summer of his thirtieth year, he begins pursuing cosmetic surgery (link to second post in series). Later, Brad picks a surgeon and recounts his Big Day (link to third post in series). Now we present the conclusion of Brad’s journey, Chapters 6 and 7.

Chapter 6
An Awkward Week
My friend picks me up, and we go back to his place. I try to relax. If there was any negative time from my experience, it’s here. His apartment is small, his sofa bed is uncomfortable, and his cat is annoying. I feel like an intruder and cut short my stay. My father comes to pick me up.

The first week after surgery is the most awkward. Trying to sleep in an elevated position is difficult but necessary. I sleep in a reclining chair. Luckily, I heal quickly. Bruising, while bad for a day or two, has diminished rapidly. There’s very little pain. The oddest part was a complete lack of feeling in my chin and lower lip because of the implant. I knew that feeling would be lost temporarily but hadn’t fully realized that it could take weeks to return.
The stitches come out a week or so after surgery. This is relatively painless—except for the stitches inside my nostrils. Ouch! The cast comes off my nose. The change is dramatic. I’m very excited about just how much straighter my nose now is. In fact, I’d have to say it was considerably better than I was expecting.

I’m back in my own bed now, but with the pillows arranged in such a manner that I remain on my back with my head slightly elevated. If my head gets too low, I find that I wake up with a fair bit of swelling in my face. Some sensation returns to my chin area, reassuring me that everything will be fine. The most difficult thing is eating with no feeling in my lower lip.

Chapter 7
My New Look
As the weeks go by, the swelling subsides and feeling slowly but surely returns to my lip. I settle into my new appearance so rapidly that I have to refer to photographs to understand the incredible difference from before.

I change my hairstyle, modernizing it a little. I shave off my goatee. Those who know about the surgery are extremely impressed. Those who don’t often comment about improvements in my appearance but are unable to tell what exactly has been improved. Usually, they think it’s my hair. Female friends and family are the most observant. Men might say, “Hey, you’re looking good these days.” Women say, “There’s something really different, but I don’t know exactly what. Did you have a beard before? Maybe it’s your hair.”

So here I am, thirty years old, with a fantastic life going for myself—and of course a much better profile and a nearly perfect nose. Now if only I could get my lazy butt to the gym!

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