(Excerpted from Dr. Peter Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces available on Amazon.com and edited for our blog. Names of individuals mentioned have been changed to protect their privacy.) Lola, a public health worker, is a single woman in her twenties. She’s tall and slim, with the striking good looks of a...
Tag: Nose Job
Brad’s Rhinoplasty Diary’s Secrets Revealed! Cosmetic Surgery Insider Info, Part 1 of 4: My Big, Crooked Nose
(Excerpted from Dr. Peter Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces (available on Amazon.com) and edited for our blog.) Rhinoplasty is like painting or sculpting in a patient’s tissues. The last day I do one—and I will have done thousands of them— I know that it will still be a challenge, and I’ll...
Your Nose, Part 5: The Process Of The Modern Rhinoplasty
(Excerpted from Dr. Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces, available on Amazon.com, and edited for our blog. Be sure to read parts 1, 2, 3 and 4!) Part 5: The Process Of The Modern Rhinoplasty So the nose bears a huge load of emotional and psychological baggage for its owner. The goal...
A Historical View Of Noses And The First Nose Jobs
Part 4 from Your Nose: A History of the Nose, Rhinoplasty and the Attitudes that Shape our Perception, in Five Parts (Excerpted from Dr. Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces, available on Amazon.com, and edited for our blog). Part 4: A Historical View Of Noses And The First Nose Jobs The ancients...
Famous Noses of History
Part 3 from Your Nose: A History of the Nose, Rhinoplasty and the Attitudes that Shape our Perception, in Five Parts (Excerpted from Dr. Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces, available on Amazon.com, and edited for our blog). Part 3: Famous Noses of History: A collection of anecdotes about noses of note...
The Preoccupation With Your Nose
Your Nose: A History of the Nose, Rhinoplasty and the Attitudes that Shape our Perception, in Five Parts (Excerpted from Toronto facial plastic surgeon Dr. Adamson’s book Fabulous Faces, available on Amazon.com and edited for our blog.) Part 2: The Preoccupation With Your Nose Tell me about your nose. What...
Should I Have a Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, or nose re-shaping, is the commonest aesthetic surgical procedure of the face. There are many reasons for this. Studies show that each of us is always scanning other people’s faces – we can scan seven faces a second, and initially we see a pattern which instantaneously tells us if...
Open or Closed – Which is the Best Rhinoplasty Approach for You?
Since 1970 when the open, or external, approach to rhinoplasty was introduced to North America, there has been an ongoing discussion (sometimes heated amongst surgeons!) about the better surgical approach. Today, the jury has pretty much made its decision. In the earliest days of rhinoplasty (the procedure to aesthetically re-shape...